Dr Jessica Boland

Senior Lecturer in Functional Materials and Devices at University of Manchester

Interest groups

Material interest groups

2D Materials. Molecular Materials. Semiconductors and Photonics. Solid State Defects. Spin and Topology.

Thematic interest groups

Advocacy and Policy. Industry and Knowledge Transfer. International Engagement. Outreach and Education. Training and Skills Base.


Cryogenic Ultrafast Scattering-type Terahertz-probe Optical-pump Microscopy (CUSTOM) facility: https://gow.epsrc.ukri.org/NGBOViewGrant.aspx?GrantRef=EP/T01914X/1 Optoelectronic characterisation on nanometre (<30nm) length scales, ultrafast (<1 ps) timescales and cryogenic (<10K) temperatures.

Scientific focus and expertise

terahertz spectroscopy and microscopy for optoelectronic characterisation


topological insulators, Dirac/Weyl semi-metals and III-V nanowires

Quantum technologies

quantum materials and imaging

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